Lea Michele and Dianna Agron smoking

Lea Michele and Dianna Agron smoking
Dianna on Glee set leaving her trailer Posted Image

Kristen Stewert take smoking pot ?
Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith have stripped down to spice up

THE ROMANTICS and he was spotted grabbing coffee with Dianna Agron

Lea Michele and Dianna Agron on the cover of Rolling Stones. Glee-licious.

Stop smoking Di, we need you to live forever!

And I think she's smoking. Shirt is gay. Way she is sitting is gay.

Cool Glee Pics

It's a picture taken by Dianna Agron, hence the captions! :)

Cool Glee Pics

Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfer are no longer together, reports say.

screen actors guild awards, red carpet, party snaps, dianna agron dianna

Feb 05, 2011 - DIANNA Agron and Alex Pettyfer getting married!

Dianna is the only one who isn't with her phone xdd..I wonder why?

lea/dianna picspam - Lea Michele and Dianna Agron 896x375

This we already know.. notice that Dianna holds a sigarette in her hand

Dianna Agron and Lea Michele

Glee costars Corey Monteith, Dianna Agron and Lea Michele hit a