Bad Tattoos

(Jesse and Chester have tattoos on their backs that say "dude" and "sweet.")

sweet dude

Dude! what does mine say.. Sweet.. what does mine say.

Sweet Tattoo - T-Shirt dude sweet! what does mine say?

dude sweet tattoo

dude sweet tattoo

G-rated, misspelling, pee, sweet, tattoo, tramp stamp

Or you could have 'Sweet' tattooed on your back.

But I wouldn't regret a sweet tattoo like that anyway. copycatzen on Dec.

dude sweet! what does mine say? "Dude, I don't know, this tattoo makes me

Dude! Sweet Webcomic Tattoo! | Blogtown, PDX

dude those lip tattoos are sweet. jessicaisawesome Jul 17, 2008

Dude, I got to show you the sweet new dick tattoo that I got.

Dude! Sweet Webcomic Tattoo! | Blogtown, PDX

(Dude! Sweet! tattoo - Rate ) sweet tattoos designs
Sweet Dude. Posted by 5AM Video at 10:03 AM 0 comments

I went forth looking for more map tattoos and found this dude on DDV's

Tags: tattoo fun art dude sweet

Dude, I got to show you the sweet new dick tattoo that I got.